The Civility Project

Helping leaders define culture and transform ways of working 

About the Program

Workplace Transformation

Leaders and teams spend a lot of time talking about goals, objectives, values, strategy expectations, revenue (sp), and customer service.

Ellen, and her team, spend a lot of time talking with leaders about civility in the workplace. We help leaders understand what civility is, and how it transforms the workplace to create awareness of other cultures from the breakroom to the boardroom. Beyond that, the results of The Civility Project monetize how awareness, empathy, and curiosity create safety, and when people feel safe, they stay, they work harder, and recommend their organization to other top performers. The result for you: better performance, and service to customers, clients, patients, and business partners, all toward decreased cost and increased profit.

Why Civility?

Bullying, shows of disrespect, inappropriate jokes, exclusionary behaviors, and disregard for others have become among the top stressors in the workplace and the reasons why may leave their jobs. In fact, disrespect in the workplace was ranked as the #3 reason for people leaving their job as we continue to experience “The Great Resignation.”

Cultural awareness and learned respectful communication skills are not only the countermeasure for these disrespectful behaviors, but they are also a way to reduce bias/blind spots and careless communication for every leader and employee in an organization.

How We Work

Ellen and her team partner with leaders, like you, to gain clarity on current needs and desires for a more productive and effective workplace. From there, the coach suggests a tailored program, based on Ellen’s 25+ years of experience and observations in her book “The Civility Project: How to build a culture of reverence to improve wellness, productivity, and profit” to help leaders create their desired workplace culture with established behavioral expectations, and, emotional and psychological safety at its core for all levels in the organization.

To aid in producing these results  EJ Burton & Associates use a combination of leadership and cultural competence assessments, workshops, and executive coaching depending on the client’s long-term goals.

Why This Program? Because It Works!

Ellen is known for providing a safe and trusting environment with a light touch and a sense of humor when delivering coaching and facilitating learning for her clients. In doing so clients can track a decrease in turnover, less employee sabotage, decrease complaints to HR because manager/supervisors and non-supervisor employees have tools to manage, and greater communication, collaboration, retention, profit and attracting a more diverse workforce.

And like with the golfer, the Civility Project’s goal is to increase curiosity and provide peer support so that employees will “referee” themselves, learn to respect their environment, the mission of the company and have some pride in their performance.

Increase Collaboration

Decrease Turnover

About The Civility Project

Ellen’s first book, and Amazon Best Seller, is an effort to expand on her lifelong mission to affect healing in the business community.

Public criticism, bullying, harassment, meanness, and lack of reverence are never OK. Through her research, stories, and case studies, Ellen is shedding light on decades-old workplace behavior that has previously been considered acceptable, but now, that the workplace and employees’ expectations have changed, employers have started to notice the costly effect of not addressing this lack of civility in the workplace.

This book is for organizational leaders who want to learn and implement change in their organizations which for years have rewarded bad behavior and tolerated what should have always been considered intolerable.

You can purchase the book on Amazon.

Build a culture of….






Diversity • Inclusion • Accountability • Openness • Equity •

What some say:

“The depth of understanding and experience she brings to subjects both simple and complex, makes for meaningful take-aways and results for her audiences whether C-Suite or Frontline.”

— Helen N.

“I am especially grateful for her thoughtful and encouraging approach to Diversity/Equity/Inclusion training. Things are always uplifting when Ellen is involved! ”

— Ted H.

Raising awareness of cultural needs

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Everything starts with a conversation.

You can reach me via email or book a call with me.

I look forward to our conversation.