Giving leaders the clarity and the confidence to become an ally, take action, and produce results



City of New York

John Hancock

The University of Chicago

Barclay’s PCL.

The United States Homeland Security

US Army

City of New York John Hancock The University of Chicago Barclay’s PCL. The United States Homeland Security US Army

Kellogg, Inc

SC Johnson

Humana Health Care

Northwestern University

Kellogg, Inc SC Johnson Humana Health Care Northwestern University

Executive Coaching

  • How it Works

    Imagine you’re a golfer who consistently hits straight tee shots but on the green, you consistently miss! How long until you take a class or hire a coach? In the workplace, who helps you identify your blind spots, and areas for improvement? Who’s available to consistently work with you for a chance to improve?

    Ellen and her team of experienced, certified coaches help you and your team do just that; Sometimes as the “eye in the sky” observing and suggesting strategies to manage blocks to success. Other times your coach acts as a sounding board helping you to develop the skills and behaviors for success.

    Ellen and her team help executives perfect their leadership game!

  • Process

    Executive Coaching is a goal-oriented, client-driven process with the end goal of producing improved performance and better results for the individual and the organization. Most of our clients want to:

    • Prepare themselves for a promotion or role/responsibility change.

    • Improve their performance and develop leadership skills.

    • Improve the way they manage up and become effective communicators.

    Based on their 20+ years of Executive Coaching experience they will suggest an approach that works for you, your organization and your leader.

    Coaching engagements usually include 10 coaching sessions over a 5-months period.

  • Benefits

    Benefits, like goals for coaching, will vary by client.

    Below you’ll see some of the benefits clients typically produce from working with Ellen and her team:

    • They grow their leadership skills and abilities to produce better results.

    • They feel supported, honored, and encouraged by their environment, clients, and colleagues.

    • They receive positive feedback on the improved behaviors and skills.

    • They are more efficient by having the right cultural expert by their side.

    • Clients feel good about intentionally contributing to an emotionally and psychologically safe workplace as an Inclusive Leader.

What if we develop them and they leave?” 

What if we don’t develop them and they stay?

Benefits of Coaching

The employer, offering external coaching to its employees provides the opportunity for a good match, client desired privacy, and the opportunity to have the employee develop even when the employer doesn’t don’t have the time to do it themselves.

Coaching offers a developmental solution to an employee whose performance has devolved over the past few months and for those who simply want to get to their next level.

For the employee, coaching represents an opportunity to grow, uncover bias and roadblocks, overcome limitations, obtain new skills, reapply underutilized skills, find passion in work, become a better leader and communicator. It also offers an opportunity to lead from their humanity, humility, and cultural awareness while delivering better results for the team, their organisation and themselves.

Is it time

to take action?